Fulbright aids 阿宾顿 professor’s work on gender in financial market reactions

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 faculty member Zhanel 界限划分 with University of Vaasa colleagues

Zhanel界限划分, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校的会计学助理教授, (second from right) is collaborating with business faculty at the University of Vaasa in Finland through her Fulbright Scholar Award 


阿宾顿,爸爸. ——富布赖特基金会.S. 奖学金获得者 Zhanel界限划分,香港大学副教授 会计 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, a highly competitive Fulbright-University of Vaasa Scholar Award to conduct research on an international scale this fall. Her project at the Finnish university explores how the gender of corporate managers influences market expectations for future earnings. 

“I am uniquely qualified to pursue this area due to my previous research in earnings strings, 信息披露实践, 以及美国的金融中介机构.S. 资本市场. It dovetails with the University of Vaasa’s faculty expertise on Finnish institutional and cultural practices on gender 多样性, 财务报告, 以及盈余管理,戴维斯说。. 

界限划分 is collecting data on executives who provide information to investors and analysts and examining the differences in terms of how the market reacts to messages from female versus male executives. Managers who consecutively report earnings that beat expectations generate earnings strings, which are associated with higher firm valuations by investors and executive compensation.  

没有事先研究, 根据界限划分, has examined whether gender plays a role in achieving earnings strings through its effect on the likelihood of consistently reporting earnings above analysts’ forecasts via voluntary managerial guidance.  

The results of this study will shed light on behavioral differences in managing market expectations between female and male executives and highlight challenges that even the highest-ranking female executives might experience in garnering attention and influence for their communications.  

“I hope that this project will foster an exchange of ideas and collaborative research with faculty at the University of Vaasa, which ultimately will help promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the corporate sector around the world,戴维斯说。. 

界限划分 said Finland is an ideal location for her work since the country is a leader in gender equity. 根据2022年世界经济论坛, Finland is ranked second out of 146 countries in terms of gender parity. Finland has one of the highest percentages of female directors in the world despite not having mandatory quotas for women's representation on corporate boards. 

She said she hopes her work will lead to future collaborations in areas such as sustainability and social capital, 哪些对她的芬兰同事来说很重要, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 以及整个美国研究界.

阿宾顿, 妮可·斯托克斯的部门主管 社会科学、商业和教育 社会学教授, is a former Fulbright scholar who supported 界限划分’ application for the award.  

“This is an exciting time for Zhanel to do this kind of research at a top university in Finland. Connecting research and sharing information will sustain the connection between 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and the University of Vaasa,斯托克斯说.  

An accomplished researcher, 界限划分 said she still values the opportunities teaching and 阿宾顿大学的本科生研究项目,简称ACURA,与学生互动. 

“I love teaching because I pass on my knowledge to other generations, and it promotes the profession. I tell my students to make sure what you do excites you and is fundamentally interesting to you,”她说。. 

去年春天,德维兹指导了三个阿宾顿的学生 research project that explored factors influencing the choice of major among business students. They examined demographics such as gender, race, and first-generation college student status.

“They [the students] concluded that race and first-generation status didn’t deter students from choosing more challenging business majors, 但女性在会计和金融领域的代表性仍然不足. My students took a lot of initiative in designing the survey and analyzing responses,”她说。. 

界限划分, 谁从2019年开始在阿宾顿教书, 她说她仍然对她的同事印象深刻. 

“我们的商学院教师是如此多样化和多才多艺. 我们的核心教师非常积极地进行有趣的研究. We have so much we can be proud of especially since we are a smaller campus,”她说。.  

迪维兹在普渡大学获得会计学博士学位, 南卫理公会大学MBA学位, and a bachelor’s degree in management and economics from Kazakh State Academy of Management. 具有丰富的国内外教学经验, 她的研究发表在著名的学术期刊上. 


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